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Window Cleaning Tips Every Homeowner Should Stick To




With your windows sparkly clean, your home becomes a cosier, more welcoming place. Although cleaning the windows can be tiresome, approaching it with smart cleaning hacks will allow you to ensure spotless windows in no time. Here are the most effective window cleaning tips you should try the next time you want to refresh the windows at home:


  • Pick the best time – while having sparkly clean windows throughout the year is great, you need to remember that good timing matters a lot. If you have planned window cleaning for a hot summer day, you should think twice before tackling the task. With temperatures outside spiking, you risk your cleaning solution vaporizing in a flash, depriving you of the opportunity to wipe the surface. Avoid washing the windows on extremely hot days to deal with the job perfectly. Instead, choose a rather chilly, cloudy day so that your cleaning mixture stands a chance to cut through the buildup of dust and grime on the windows.


  • Dust first – Before doing anything else, you should address dusty surfaces around the windows. If you start cleaning the windows without addressing surrounding areas first, dust will end up on the clean windows before you know it. That’s why you should take out the vacuum cleaner and vacuum the floors, the baseboards, the window frames and the furniture. The more dust you eliminate, the longer the windows will stay spotless. Before cleaning the windows, you should also take care of the blinds and the curtains. Use the vacuum cleaner or the washing machine to refresh your window treatments – whatever works best for you. Clean those often, so you don’t have to wash the windows as often as you think. Don’t forget to dust the windows themselves before applying the cleaning solution. Otherwise, you might face a huge mess once the solution is mixed with dust.


  • Clean, eco-friendly – no surface around the house can’t benefit from green cleaning, including your windows. Despite the large variety of store-bought window cleaning mixtures you can choose from, you should stay on the healthy side and mix your own eco-friendly window cleaning remedy. Preparing one is not only an easy job but pretty affordable. Mix some water, white distilled vinegar and rubbing alcohol in a spraying bottle and spritz the solution on the windows. The right proportions of the ingredients depend on the size of the surface you want to cover, so make sure you mix the proper amounts. Typically you would need two cups of water, half a cup of white vinegar and a quarter cup of rubbing alcohol to make a natural window cleaner. With your green cleaning mixture, you can address the windows and any other glass surface around the house, like the mirrors or the glass coffee table.


  • Dry properly – believe it or not, the squeegee is not the best tool to employ when drying the windows. Squeegees do a perfect job only if you know how to take advantage of them or have professional window cleaning skills. Ditch the squeegee and benefit from microfiber cloths to wipe and dry the windows streak-free. Microfiber cloths are super absorbent and cause no smudges or scratches to the glass surface. Plus, microfiber cloths are machine-washable, therefore, easy to keep clean. Once you are done drying the windows, throw your microfiber cloth in the washer to prepare it for the next cleaning session. However, if you prefer using paper towels to dry the windows with, this also works. Just remember to buy thick enough paper towels that won’t shred when coming into contact with the wet surface.


Keep your home warm and cosy with sparkly clean windows using these simple-to-follow window cleaning tips.


© Top TD Cleaning Company


A Step-by-step Guide to Deep Cleaning the Mattress



Many homeowners often need to remember that their mattresses must be cleaned regularly, or they could become unhealthy to sleep on. Like any other surface at home, the mattress traps dust, dirt or stains you should often address to ensure a healthy bedroom. DIY mattress cleaning is a challenging job. Just stick to the guide below and enjoy the freshness of your mattress:


  • Collect the cleaning arsenal – as the mattress should stay as healthy as possible, you need an eco-friendly cleaning routine. All you need to green clean the mattress is your vacuum cleaner, crevice and upholstery attachments, a box of baking soda, a little dish soap and soft clean clothes. Once you have collected your cleaning arsenal, you can start the mattress cleaning process.


  • Remove everything from the bed – remove the sheets, the pillowcases, the blankets and everything else that stays on top of the mattress. Throw everything machine-washable in the washer and run the machine to banish dirt and stains. Once you are done cleaning the mattress, you will place clean sheets and pillows to make the bed fresh again.


  • Vacuum clean – with your mattress fully stripped off bedding; it’s time to vacuum clean it thoroughly. Start by using the upholstery attachment of your vacuum cleaner and go over the mattress a couple of times to eliminate dust, dust mites and buildup dirt. Take your time, and don’t rush through the task so you can banish as much grime as possible. Then switch to the crevice attachment of the vacuum cleaner and address the seams of the mattress and the corners of the bed where most dust hides. Once you have eliminated surface dirt, don’t store the vacuum cleaner just yet. You will take advantage of it one more time later.


  • Inspect the mattress for stains – when it comes to banishing stains from the mattress, you need to be extra careful not to cause extreme moisture to the surface. Otherwise, you risk promoting mould and mildew to appear. If you notice nasty stains on the mattress, mix a little water with a few drops of liquid dish soap in a small bowl and use a soft clean cloth to transfer only the foam of the mixture to the stained part of the mattress. Blot gently without applying any pressure to the mattress. If you are dealing with tougher or older mattress stains, try another DIY cleaning remedy of cold water and some hydrogen peroxide.


  • Use baking soda – baking soda is your best bet when cleaning the mattress, as the ingredient is harmless, eco-friendly and safe to use on the surface. Plus, baking soda is highly absorbent, thus removing both tough odours and moisture from the mattress. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda all over the mattress and allow it to sit for 24 hours. If possible, let lots of sunshine in the room by leaving the windows open, as UV rays work wonders to eliminate mould and germs trapped in the mattress.


  • Vacuum clean again – as soon as the required time has passed, take the vacuum cleaner and go over the mattes once more to collect baking soda residue. Act on the task slowly to remove all the baking soda from the mattress. If your headboard is made of fabric, you might also want to vacuum-clean it to remove dust. With your mattress already perfectly vacuumed, you can take out your clean, fresh sheets and pillows and make your bed. 


Nothing beats the feeling of sleeping on a squeaky clean mattress. Use this simple step-by-step guide to deep clean and refresh your mattress every one-two months.


© Top TD Cleaning Company

Simple Daily Cleaning Checklist



A daily cleaning checklist can help you manage your chores and ensure that your home is always kept neat and tidy. Although you have the option to do this yourself or you can hire cleaners to help you out.

Everybody wants a clean home where things are in their proper place. You can easily relax if your living space is free of clutter. However, living a busy life can make it difficult to clean. When you’re too preoccupied with other priorities like work, studies, or kids, you’ll notice that your house is already in disarray.

It’s helpful to have a daily cleaning checklist to help you develop an efficient cleaning habit, which will keep your home clean every day.

Daily Cleaning Guide

For most people, cleaning the house takes the backseat. Work, family, kids, and friends always come first. But there are many benefits to cleaning your home daily. It lets you stay on top of things to avoid spending several hours playing catch up with your household chores.


The kitchen should be your first stop. It’s the part of your home that always gets dirty. It requires your attention and should be kept clean even if it means you cannot clean the other rooms in your house.

Things to do:

  • Wash the dishes
  • Take out the garbage
  • Clean the counters
  • Sweep the kitchen floor
  • Throw out old food in your refrigerator


Now, the bathroom is the second most used area of your home. Therefore, you need to clean it regularly. The bathroom should be your second priority, after the kitchen.

Things to do:

  • Put all dirty towels in the laundry
  • Clean the toilet
  • Clean the sink and other surfaces using an antibacterial cleaner.
  • Clean the mirrors
  • Empty the waste baskets


After the kitchen and the bathroom, your next stop is the bedroom. Your home feels more relaxing if the bedrooms are clean and organized. It lets you destress, and it encourages restful sleep.

Things to do:

  • Pick up items on the floor (books, clothes, shoes, etc.)
  • Make the bed
  • Dust the surfaces
  • Sweep the floor
  • Empty waste basket if full

Living Room

The living room is the place in your home where you spend time with your family. You wouldn’t want to see clutter while having fun with your loved ones.

Things to do:

  • Remove toys that are not in their proper places.
  • Put back books, magazines, etc. on bookshelves
  • Dust surfaces
  • Sweep/vacuum the floor

Dining Room

Another hotspot for clutter is the dining room. You don’t want to eat in an untidy place filled with clutter.

  • Put away anything that doesn’t belong in your dining room
  • Clear the table
  • Wipe the table with a clean cloth
  • Put the dirty tablecloth in the laundry basket

You can keep clutter and mess at bay even if you spend about 30 minutes a day cleaning your home. Whether you’re the person who only cleans before a major holiday or celebration, you can follow this checklist to keep your home neat and tidy. The guide gives you an idea of what you must do daily to enjoy an organized home.

If you are cleaning your house endlessly and no longer have time for your family, then it’s probably time to hire cleaners.

Top TD Cleaning Company can help. Our expert cleaners are always ready to help tidy up your place.

The cost of the domestic cleaning service varies. It depends on various factors, such as your location, the size of your home, the condition of your place, and what parts of your home you want to be cleaned. Make sure to find cleaners you can trust.


© Top TD Cleaning Company




6 Key Ingredients to Green Clean Your Home


If you have finally made up your mind to improve your lifestyle by switching to green cleaning, you are no doubt on the right track. Cleaning your home naturally will protect you from being exposed to the harsh chemicals most commercial detergents contain, thus bringing you closer to a healthier life. Once you decide on green cleaning, it's time for you to reveal the most important eco-friendly ingredients you will count on all the time. Here are the top six natural ingredients green cleaning benefits from:


White distilled vinegar – having the properties of acid, white distilled vinegar offers numerous cleaning applications around the house. Wiping glass surfaces or breaking through greasy stains, when mixed with water white vinegar will take care of so many kinds of messes. Simply put both ingredients in a spraying bottle and spray directly on a surface or use a clean cloth to apply the solution. Do you want to disinfect the bathroom naturally? Take advantage of your white vinegar solution to tackle hard water deposits and eliminate soap scum.


Baking soda – many cleaning tasks can be completed with baking soda. It is slightly abrasive, which makes this eco-friendly ingredient perfect for scrubbing your oven’s interior or restoring all stainless steel pots and pans. Moreover, baking soda is famous for being super absorbent. Your stinky carpet and upholstery will be set free from trapped odours if you cover them with baking soda. Let it sit on the treated surface for a few hours, then vacuum clean. To refresh the fridge, open a box of baking soda and put it in the appliance. The ingredient is also considered the ultimate laundry whitener – add half a cup of baking soda to your laundry to boost its colours naturally.


Rubbing alcohol – if you are searching for a harmless replacement for store-bought disinfectants, rubbing alcohol is your best bet. It is safe to use, but at the same time effective enough to kill germs and bacteria on various surfaces harbour. According to experts, you should take advantage of 70% or 90% rubbing alcohol. First, wash the treated surface with soap and then spray it with the ingredient. Wait to air dry and your surface will be squeaky clean and germ-free.


Lemon juice – you can say that lemon juice and white vinegar have similar cleaning applications since both ingredients are acids. Surely you are free to treat hard water stains and soap scum with both cleaning agents, but when it comes to deodorising, lemon juice is the key component. To get rid of unpleasant smells harboured in your garbage disposal, run a few lemon slices through it. In case you want to disinfect the microwave naturally, slice a lemon in half and microwave it for two minutes. This green cleaning hack will help you to loosen up grime in a flash.


Hydrogen peroxide – marble surfaces, as well as glassware will be easily cleaned when hydrogen peroxide is put to use. Mix this eco-friendly ingredient with baking soda to prepare a powerful natural stain remover. You should keep in mind, however, that hydrogen peroxide has bleaching potential. To address surfaces safely, test the ingredient on a hidden area before you proceed with the obvious stains.


Essential oils – in addition to scrubbing dirt and eliminating germs, you are probably interested in refreshing the air at home too. Fortunately, no harsh products should be involved in the process, because you have essential oils at your disposal. Fill a spraying bottle with water and add a few drops of your best-loved essential oil. Now spray anywhere you want – the mixture is safe to breathe.


These are the top six eco-friendly ingredients you should always keep in your kitchen cabinet. Prepare various mixtures or rely on a single ingredient to successfully green clean your home.


© Top TD Cleaning Company

A Step-by-Step Kitchen Cleaning Guide you should employ Right Now

A truly clean home never goes without a spotless kitchen. Some of you may say that the kitchen is the heart of your place and you will be right. So it is impossible to feel cozy at home if your kitchen is dusty, your fridge is full of expired food and dirty dishes continue piling up in the sink. Cleaning the kitchen can be stressful, especially if you are not sure where to start and what the final task is. This is where a simple step-by-step guide comes to the rescue. Having a squeaky clean kitchen is so easy when you follow these tips:


  • Declutter counters – it will be hard to clean the kitchen if your counters have all kinds of items spread around. That’s why your first assignment should involve removing objects from the counters. To stay focused on the job, collect everything that doesn’t belong here in a basket and deal with it later. Rearranging items one by one will distract you and you will waste kitchen cleaning time.


  • Dishwashing – it is time for you to do some dirty job. Do you see tons of greasy dishes in the sink? You can no longer leave them like this. You can either wash them by hand with warm water and some detergent or you can use the dishwasher. Either way, only sparkling clean dishes belong to a flawless kitchen. In case you own a dishwashing machine, it will be a good time for you to clean it as well. As the machine is empty, add some baking soda and run it. This is a hack that will help remove trapped food from the dishwasher, leaving it freshly scented.


  • Dusting – yes, just like any other room, the kitchen requires dusting as well. Work your way from the highest areas toward the lower objects. For the purpose, you can use a long-handled duster. Fear not, if dust falls right on the floor, you will handle it later. Take care of all kitchen cabinets, but don’t forget to dust the refrigerator’s top too.


  • Scrubbing and wiping – your kitchen appliances also need some attention. It may seem that there are too many items that should be cleaned, but don’t forget you are maintaining only their exterior. For smaller items like your microwave and coffee maker, you can use a damp cloth and a proper detergent ( or white vinegar ) to make them look shiny. As far as the oven is concerned, it may need some scrubbing, in case there are old greasy spots. Always unplug appliances before you begin cleaning them! 


  • Return to the counters – as you have already decluttered counters, you are also expected to wipe them down. If you have enough time, take all items out of the counters and wipe their inside area. If not, just take care of the outer parts of the counters. The best way to approach the job is by using a microfiber cloth and a proper cleanser. One more hint – divide the task by sections to stay organized and save time.


  • The refrigerator – even though you are not involved in a deep cleaning right now, you can still take care of your fridge. It is simple – just throw away old and expired food, eliminate spills and arrange food and drinks the right way.


  • Final touches – you are almost done with cleaning the kitchen. Do you remember dust that you knocked down from the top shelves? Sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor and mop it. Take out the trash. That’s all, your kitchen is now spotless.


When you rely on the right order of actions, cleaning the kitchen gets less tedious. Keep in mind these steps during your next cleaning session and your kitchen will feel neat and comfortable.


© Top TD Cleaning Company

The Ultimate plan for Cleaning your Apartment in Under an Hour

All of us have had the dream where we are growing old in a small and pretty house in town’s suburbs, watching our corgi running outside in the garden while the birds chirp a set of sounds strangely familiar to some of Queen’s best hits. Of course, in reality, we are probably spending most of our time in the apartment - the house’s smaller brother created with the idea to keep us as close as possible to the dynamic routine of the modern society.


Cleaning the apartment is a task that most of the people are neglecting. This is pretty normal if we consider how much time we spend at work and what kind of energy has left in us after the workday. We should also find time for family, friends, social activities and many more. 


There is one big lie that people love spreading around, and it says that cleaning takes much time. No - the most important thing regarding cleanup is consistency. You should clean regularly - some tasks may require everyday attention, while with others, this may be on a weekly or even monthly basis. Following is a schedule that will streamline the entire process.


Below are a couple of ways to clean the entire apartment in a very short amount of time while still maintaining the best possible look.


Living room


Take the vacuum cleaner and dust the entire floor and curtains or blinds. Use the appropriate vacuum attachments which will help you remove every bit left under the sofas and couches. Straighten up any blankets and cushions. You can place some kind of air freshener. There are various types sold in the big shopping malls, including such with timers or movement sensors. Both of them will make your room feel like you’ve spent all weekend cleaning. Of course, air fresheners cannot hide odours, so make sure you ventilate the room regularly. There is nothing else like fresh air. 


If you are willing to spend a few more minutes with the microfiber, you can dust the insides of any furniture left. You can also make the same for the fans on the ceiling. Here is a quick hack - take an old pillow cover, put it over fan’s blades (one at a time), tight it and then pull it back. This will leave all dust inside the cover which you can then throw or wash out.




Always make your bed. Believe it or not, there is nothing more effective that this easy “hack”. Put away the laundry, pick any clothes from the floor, gather all the shoes that were temporary “on a break”. Remove any clutter that should not be inside the room - cups, glasses, magazines, and so on. All of these will cost you no more than 15 minutes, and the bedroom will look clean and tidy.




Kitchen is indeed the dirtiest place in any house or apartment. While there is a numerous amount of different stuff that needs cleaning (stove, oven, furniture, sink, windows, dishes and even more), you may follow some simple steps to keep it in a surprisingly good condition. First - wash your dishes daily or use the dishwasher if you have one. Do not leave any garbage inside for more than a day, especially on hot days. Use disinfectant wipes to remove all dirt and dust from shelves and kitchen electrics. Put a glass of water and lemon inside the microwave for three to five minutes and then wipe the insides. This will remove most if not all stains. 




Gather up all things spread across the entire bathroom - electronics, towels, makeup and toiletries. Put them on a single place or better - inside different drawers. Get some WC cleaner and scrum toilet’s insides, especially under the inner edge. Pour a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice inside the sink to remove any dirt from the surface. Leave it this way for 10 minutes and then rinse it away with hot water. Finally, sweep up the floor to collect and hair and dirt left on it.


© Top TD Cleaning Company

7 Incredible Uses for Coconut Oil around your home


Many people use coconut oil for cooking purposes. After all, it is the originally intended use of it. However, coconut oil is so much more useful than that. It turns out that it can easily find its way into your cleaning routine, in ways you didn’t even consider possible. In this guide, you will find out some of the strangest and yet convenient uses of coconut oil that you can implement in your routine:

1. Silverware polish

Did you know that applying just a little coconut oil on steel or silver items can easily return the shine in the items? It turns out that whenever your precious silverware items lose their shine, you needn’t reach for that chemical cleaner, but instead employ a little coconut oil. Get a little bit on a cloth and gently rub the items one by one. If said items are steel, you get a nice bonus: coconut oil effectively combats rust on these items.

2. Furniture polish 

Wood furniture is beautiful, but over time it acquires a certain tired look. In order to bring some life back to it, you can safely employ coconut oil. The way to do it is simple: mix white vinegar, melted coconut oil and lemon juice in a bowl. Apply it on the wood surface you want to rejuvenate and wipe away. The result will be a wooden surface looking immaculate.

3. Restoration for dried-out leather 

If you are a fan of leather and have clothes and furniture with leather, you will do well to restore these items. What you can do is breathe life into your dried-out leather upholstery or clothes by using coconut oil. Simply rub a little coconut oil on the surface and wipe off with a soft cloth. Once you are done, you will be happy to see the result.

4. Shower area cleaner

Coconut oil does a wonderful job at cleaning in the bathroom. If you don’t believe this to be true, simply apply some on a cloth and wipe the shower scum. It will leave the area shiny clean, and smelling awesome too!

5. Remove stains

This one might come as a shock, but coconut oil is actually a nice stain remover. If there is a nasty stain on the carpet or some other fabric surface in your home, you can use coconut oil. Rub some of it into the fabric with a soft cloth and then wipe with a clean cloth. If a stain is too stubborn, add in baking soda for some cleaning help.

6. Wood floor polish

If you want to shine your hardwood floors the easy way, you needn’t look further than coconut oil. Rub some of it in and then buff with a nice soft cloth. One thing you need to remember is that you won’t be able to use the floor right away, i.e. you should avoid walking there for a few hours. The floor needs to fully dry before you can freely use the area again.

7. Squeaky hinge fixer 

Finally, this use of coconut oil is not technically cleaning, but it is interesting enough to include on the list. If the sound that squeaky hinges make is annoying you, fix it by rubbing some coconut oil. This works like a charm.


All of these coconut oil uses are sure to brighten up your cleaning routine and make it more effective. Give the product a shot next time.

For more such interesting tips, be sure to visit Top TD Cleaning Company.

© Top TD Cleaning Company

6 Cleaning Tips Every Student will Appreciate

As a student, you will face many challenges when moving away to college or university. It may as well be the very first time you will be in charge of your cleaning. It may seem like an intimidating prospect when you need to clean a ton of areas in your home, but there are ways to learn more about and overcome such challenges. Following are some tips that you will find especially useful:

  • Cleaning grease – hangover cures often come in the form of greasy food, and late-night takeaways are not any different. It won’t be long before you acquire a greasy stain, which can be quite unsightly. Before you clean the stain itself, scrape off the food parts of the area. Press a white paper towel on the greasy spot and soak up as much of the stain as possible. If you have cornflour or talc handy, you can sprinkle the stain, as these are both highly-absorbent substances that will make short work of it. For the remaining stain, you should use an alcohol-based cleaner, such as methylated spirits. Dab the stain repeatedly until it evaporates. Afterwards work the area with some liquid detergent, and finally, machine-wash the garment.
  • Rust – rust stains are not easy to remove, so you have to be careful. Normally, you can clean one such with baking soda and lemon juice. Apply both and leave the garment in the sun. If the stain is not on a piece of clothing, you should either use baking soda/water or salt/lemon juice. Apply the mix on the rusty area, let it sit for about an hour and then rinse the remaining salt/baking soda.
  • Beer – this is a student staple, which pretty much guarantees that sooner or later you will acquire one such stain on the carpet or your clothes. First, you have to blot up as much of it as possible. If it is a stain from the night before, you can dab a little white spirit and rinse with cold water. If you have washable clothes, rub in mild dishwashing solution and add a few drops of white vinegar. That ought to take care of the problem for you.
  • Mould and mildew – sometimes the conditions in student houses cause mould and mildew to appear. Perhaps the best way to prevent this issue from ever occurring is to use a dehumidifier. If the problem is already on your carpet, you should use a specialised solution for soft furnishings. A mild disinfectant does well for any remaining marks. Washing should easily deal with light stains on clothing. If the mould and mildew growth is on the walls, you can mix chlorine and water. Make sure the bleach won’t affect the colour and then scrub with a brush.
  • Ink – if you were studying hard and find that all the hard has resulted in an ink stain, you should not despair. The best way to remove ink stains is to use methylated spirits. Dab the stain continuously, and you will see it is getting dissolved. Repeat this process until the stain is completely gone. Make sure to use a clean part of the cloth, as you clean.
  • Bathroom grime – the shower is perhaps the most notable aspect of the bathroom that needs attention. To deal with it, you should fil la bag with one part water and one part vinegar. Tie it around the showerhead and let it sit overnight. As you scrub afterwards, the limescale and soap scum will come right off.


These are some of the most common stains that students need to address. Knowing how to clean them is definitely a cool thing.


Top TD Cleaning Company presents more interesting tips for all those eager to learn.

© Top TD Cleaning Company

Why you should not ignore home cleaning?


Cleaning is a permanent chore you need to deal with. Whether it is something small that requires your immediate attention or a large task that you need to deal with every week or month, there is always something in your home that needs cleaning.


At some point, you may feel a bit overwhelmed and naturally inclined to postpone the cleaning process. As tempting as this seems, it is really not a good idea. Here are a few reasons why that is so:

  • You will have to use heavy chemicals – the more soiled a surface is, the heavier solutions you have to use. Take the oven for example. What would normally only take you a quick wipe after cooking a meal could over time prove to be an accumulation of burnt-on food debris that requires hours of soaking with heavy-duty oven cleaner, just to loosen up. There is zero doubt that doing just a quick clean is the better alternative. Besides, one could argue that in this case, it is much easier to remove a mess as soon as possible, instead of letting it accumulate in the oven.
  • It will take more time – apart from being harder to deal with, later on, postponing cleaning chores will also take you more time. Following the example given above, if you take a few moments to wipe up a spill in the oven after cooking a meal, you will save yourself a ton of time. Once any food debris hardens, they may take an hour of soaking and scrubbing to remove properly. That is never a good thing, especially if you are no fan of cleaning the appliance.
  • Healthy considerations – allowing dust to accumulate and dishes to remain with food stains on them is unhealthy. Various bacteria will build up there, potentially making you sick. There are special considerations for people with allergies or respiratory conditions. Dust contains allergens, which could trigger unpleasant symptoms. Get those chores done, if you wish the environment in your home healthy and fresh.
  • You will feel more stressed – do you know the old saying: a mess breeds stress. It is 100% valid when it comes to a home or office environment. The more cluttered and dusty the area is, the more stressed out you will feel. Part of this is because you will not be able to find what you are looking for. Don’t let it happen and clear your place on a regular basis.
  • You will feel demotivated – when you postpone cleaning for too long, you are essentially piling up chores for later on. This can feel rather demotivating and stressful. Consider what is better: taking a minute to wash your dish after finishing your meal, or seeing that pile of plates stacked in the sink for later cleaning. Of course, you would never like to experience the latter, and that is precisely why you have to consider cleaning on a regular basis.


There is no doubt that cleaning on a regular basis is much better than postponing your chores.


If you like to get some help on the matter, you can contact our company Top TD Cleaning Company on 020 7156 7853.

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